Tips for Getting Used to Wearing New Hearing Aids
OK, think back to a year or so ago. Remember when you would go to a matinee and then after, when it ended and you left the theater, the daylight would overwhelm you temporarily? Well, the same thing happens when you first start wearing hearing aids. Your brain has gotten used to the quiet. It […]
2021 Halloween Costume Contest
Hearing Aid Perception vs. Reality
Hearing and sight are arguably our two most important senses (despite taste getting a lot of attention these past 18 months). Yet, if and when either starts to fail us — and both typically do as we age — we react to each very differently. You can tell by all the people with glasses, contacts, […]
Types of Hearing loss
Three of the most common hearing loss questions and their answers If you’re like us, you like to get to the bottom of any ailment you have. When you know what the exact issue is, you waste less time and anxiety and going-down-a-rabbit-hole Google searches wondering what it might be. And, because you know what […]
10 of the Most Common Hearing Loss Symptoms
How to know if you have hearing loss Not sure if you have hearing loss? That’s not uncommon. Hearing loss symptoms are subtle and typically emerge slowly. It frequently takes years for people to realize they have hearing loss. Also, we simply don’t test our hearing enough. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) […]
Hearing Loss Treatment and the Role it Plays in Preventing Dementia
A 2017 study, conducted by The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care, called dementia “the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century.” But you don’t need a study to tell you that. Ask friends and loved ones of the estimated 50 million people worldwide who have dementia (there’s a good chance you are one of those […]
12 Reasons You Should Test Your Hearing
After the past year of living socially distant and behind masks, we think reconnecting is more important and coveted than ever! Unfortunately, it’s also more challenging for those of us with hearing loss — which is the biggest reason why 2021 should be the year to test your hearing and treat it if it turns […]
12 Reasons to Get Livio Edge AI Custom Rechargeable Hearing Aids
If you’ve been holding out on getting hearing aids because you were waiting for something that didn’t scream “hearing aid!” while also offering unheard-of sound quality and high-tech, life-just-got-way-easier features, well then you know how the next paragraph begins. Hold out no longer and check out Livio Edge AI custom rechargeable hearing aids. Custom hearing […]
Regular Hearing Checkups are a Good Idea
If you’re proactive about your health and well-being — and more of us are today than ever before — then you may already test your hearing regularly. But if you don’t and you want to know why you should, keep reading. Benjamin Franklin famously said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Even […]
Are You Looking for a Last-Minute Holiday Baking Idea?
Peanut Butter Cookies Submitted by Eva T. (Round Rock, TX) Ingredients ▢ 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour▢ 1/2 cup butter unsalted, room temp▢ 1 cup peanut butter▢ 1/2 cup brown sugar, lightly packed▢ 1/2 cup sugar▢ 1 tsp vanilla extract▢ 1 egg large, room temp▢ 3/4 tsp baking powder Instructions 1. Preheat over to 350°F2. […]