What Is Hearing Loss? | Livingston Hearing Aid Center

What is hearing loss?

Hearing loss is a chronic or long-term degradation in one’s ability to hear sounds. It can range from mild to profound and may be temporary or permanent.

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Symptoms of hearing loss

Difficult Conversations

Conversations are difficult to follow

You sometimes miss key words in a sentence or frequently need to ask people to repeat themselves.

Turn Up TV

Volume needs to be turned up

You often need to turn up the volume on your TV or radio

Social Isolation

Avoid social situations

You may have trouble holding a conversation in public spaces so you’ll avoid family and friends.


Trouble on the phone

You find it difficult to hear the telephone ring or conversation might be challenging.

Hearing Aids For Seniors

Ringing in your ears

You may have ringing in your ears due to hearing loss or damage to your auditory system.

Loved Ones

Loved ones have noticed a change

Someone close to you mentioned that you might have a problem with your hearing.

Statistics of hearing loss

Nearly 36 million Americans suffer from some form of hearing loss. ²
One out of every four people with hearing loss is between the ages of 65 - 74.²
On average, people with hearing loss wait over 10 years to seek treatment.²
81 percent of new users gave hearing aids a positive rating.¹
  1. Source: The Hearing Review 
  2. Source: ASHA

Online hearing screening

only 5 minutes

Our online hearing screening test only takes 5 minutes, and you will receive your results instantly!

Effects of untreated hearing loss

Hearing loss exerts a broad impact on various aspects of life. When left unaddressed, it can lead to detrimental consequences on the physical and mental well-being of a person struggling with hearing loss.

Examples of these effects include:




Social Isolation


3. Source: ASHA

4. Source: The Lancet

Benefits of hearing aids

People who opt to seek help and address their hearing loss through the use of hearing aids.⁴  Reported benefits include:

Better relationships with loved ones
Higher self-confidence
Improved physical & mental health
Greater independence
Boosted quality of life
Better workplace performance

4. Source: Hear It 

Frequently asked questions

What are the common causes of sudden hearing loss?

The exact cause of sudden hearing loss is often unknown, but it may be associated with viral infections, head trauma, vascular disorders, or certain medications.

To protect your hearing health, avoid exposure to loud noises whenever possible, use ear protection in noisy environments, maintain good ear hygiene, and seek prompt medical attention for any changes in your hearing. Regular hearing screenings can also help to detect any hearing loss early on.

Yes, medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, and infections like meningitis or mumps can all affect hearing health and contribute to hearing loss.

Yes, stress, anxiety, and other emotional factors can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms. Learning stress management techniques and seeking psychological support can help reduce the impact of these factors on tinnitus.